The Descendants

Many of you still have musicals on your mind, and we’re glad to feature your voices as you share more favorites. We get schooled on “the letters” on “Sons of Anarchy,” we get more measured reactions to “The Descendants,” and we get our first video game review from Al, who introduces us to “Skyrim.” Still to come, your take on “The Walking Dead,” “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” and new (or at least new to us) TV shows.

Lesson of the day? It’s never too late to send in feedback. لعبة بوكر اون لاين Whatever you’re watching, reading, playing, or listening to, we want to hear about it! بايرن ميونخ دوري ابطال اوروبا Leave a voicemail at (815) 310-0808, send an email or audio file to, comment here on the blog, or post on our Facebook page.